Unmasked Faces - no green detailmaps for complexion and necks by AltheaR. Go to your Skyrim/Data/SkyProc Patchers/Dual Sheath Redux Patch/ folder. Here's a screenshot of Common Clothes (on the male elf) and Travel Clothes (on the female elf). Also just search the word rogue or hunter and you may get more results on bethnet.
In Hearthfires, all the children clothes are labelled by color, red dress, green dress, etc. be/wb-E4gfFZxcModern Style Which one you choose is up to personal preference. Install Dual Sheath Redux using NMM or another mod organizer.There is no shortage of gorgeous, jaw-dropping player homes in the Skyrim modding community. #SKYRIM NPC EDITOR TUTORIAL FOLLOWER INSTALL# The mod contains over 100 new different clothes that you’ll be able to find across the lands of Skyrim or craft them at the tanning rack if you’re too desperate to get them.
I'm just looking for something that looks good (preferably modular) and is clothes, not armor.